Saturday 10 December 2016

Outline of the course

Rev Simon Tillotson, Team Vicar of All Saints and St Peter's in the Whitstable Team Ministry writes...

In September 2017 I will be leading a group of 17 people in a Celtic Pilgrimage to Holy Island in Northumbria and Iona in Scotland.

This is to find out more about both places and to learn more about Celtic Christianity which had a huge impact on Christianity in the period about two or three hundred years before the Norman Conquest.

I am afraid the Pilgrimage is full and we cannot take any extra people. However, this does not stop any of us finding out more about Celtic Christianity here in Whitstable.

I am therefore intending to run a course in January and February 2017 on Tuesday evenings looking at Celtic Christianity.

It will start at 7.45pm at the Vicarage and conclude about 9.15pm.

It will be recorded and an audio recording of the file will be left on this website with a copy of the notes for each week. This is so people who are not able to attend the sessions, including those coming on the Pilgrimage who cannot attend the course, are still able to follow the material.

Please can you let me know if you would like to attend the Celtic Christianity course by emailing me at or calling 01227 272308.

If you want to follow the course online please also let me know so that I can send you a reminder when the material is available online.

The outline will be as follows and I will be following a book called "The Celtic Way" by Ian Bradley. This is available online on Amazon for a penny plus £2.80 postage second hand and is one of the best introductions to Celtic Christianity I have read. Don't buy the more expensive versions of the book online when you order!

You do not need to order the book to attend the course.

The course will run on the following dates

Tuesday 10th January
Tuesday 17th January - Deanery Synod so no course session
Tuesday 24th January
Tuesday 31st January
Tuesday 7th February
Tuesday 14th February
Tuesday 21st February

The title of each evening will follow the titles of each chapter of the book. I will leave the actual topics a mystery till the evening itself (unless you buy the book in advance) but the book covers the historical aspects of Celtic Christianity, as well as its beliefs, liturgy, worship, traditions, famous Saints - just about everything.

Week 1 - A Procession of Saints and Scholars
Week 2 - Presence and Protection
Week 3 - The Goodness of Nature
Week 4 - Monks and Pilgrims
Week 5 - The Power of Imagination
Week 6 - The Way Goes On

I do hope you will consider coming on the course. I will ask for a donation at the end of the course to cover the cost of photocopying the handouts and this can be anything between a £1 and £5 for the whole course depending on what you feel able to offer.

Every good wish in Christ


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